Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comparative and Contrast

Compare and contrast essay How far will you go for the person that you love? This is the question that most mates want to know before they go further with their partner. Different people have different answers and reasons for this question. Even between cupid and psyche & Orpheus and Eurydice. These two Greek stories have the same topic, which is â€Å"how far will you go for the person that you love†.These love stories are different in terms of theme until the story itself. These two stories are actually easy to understand but they have similarities and differences between them. First lets discuss about similarities; they are both a story about love and also how much they love their partner and how far would they go for the person that they love, even if the way how to get back their partner is different but the main topic of the story is still the same.They did several things to get their partners back, even if in the end of the story is not always them living in the wor ld but still in the end of these stories they went back together. The person who’s trying to get back their partner in these stories also get second chances in completing their journey, they both failed because of curiosity. Both of them are so impatient and curious so that’s the reason why they fail. Even if there’s a lot of similarities already but there are also differences in this story.Psyche was so curious and that she opened the beauty secret box and by that it made her work wasted, she wasn’t able to give back the box to Aphrodite so she failed while in the other tory Orpheus was able to get Eurydice back but then he was so impatient and curious if Eurydice is still with her or not so she looked back and then Eurydice was sent back to the underworld. There are different gods who impact the story, in the story cupid and psyche Aphrodite is the one who impact the story but in the story Orpheus and Eurydice Hades and Persephone are the two gods who i s included.But above all the way how they get back their partner is the sweetest in the first story Aphrodite gave a lot of things for psyche to do and she really did everything to get cupid back while Orpheus went to the underworld to get Eurydice back, these two jobs that they did is very tiring and it needs a lot of efforts but they still do it for their partners just to get them back. Between the two stories, it shows how some people actually care so much about their partner and even the would do the hardest job that could be possible just to get them back.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Protecting the natural resources

1. Introduction:In this twenty-first century the universe has to get by with catastrophes. It possibly that we are being punished because we have ignored the issue of protecting the natural resources, and each one of us must lend to this common attempt ( Philander, 2008, V1, P.53, 96 ) . Albert Gore is the former United States frailty president and victor of the Nobel Peace Price with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2006. His plant had the intent of protagonism and research ; Gore subsequently proves that the grounds for the old Global Warming are non true ( Philander, V.1, p.57 ) . He blames the extinction ( Philander, 2008, V.3, p921 ) of some animate beings and works species on worlds: Global heating, along with the film editing and combustion of woods and other critical home grounds, is doing the loss of life species at a degree comparable to the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million old ages ago. That event was believed to hold been caused by a elephantine asteroid. This clip it is non an star-shaped colliding with the Earth and bringing mayhem: it is us. ( Al Gore, May 26, 2006 ) Although nursery gas straight provide gas CO2, CH4 and N2O occurs of course in the ambiance, human activities can alter the focal point of their atmospheric. The IPCC developed the Global Warming Potential ( see table 1-2 ) to mensurate the figure of nursery gas emanations in 100 old ages. The Numberss in the tabular array have concerned scientists for the hereafter of our Earth. (Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, 1990-2007, p.26 ) . Countries in the universe besides recognize that it is clip for them to alter these human errors, and together they have made a call. North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia continue together to cut down power phenomena of the Earth from warming up.2. CURRENT International Policy:It is really hard to do a determination for all states. The United Nations is an organisation includes all states are members. This organisation has decided to merely do some Torahs because they do non hold much authorization. Member s of the states can merely hold that the universe must make something to restrict the Warming of the Earth, but to acquire them hold on the solution is non an easy undertaking for governments. The first rating study completed in 1990 was pedal to the birth of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC ) by the UN General Assembly. The bureau has the responsibility announced the intelligence about the post-processing transition on clime alteration and through the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and of import policy have be en created. Implementations schemes and plans for cut downing nursery gas emanations by sing their state ‘s demands and duties within the range of international, regional, and local fortunes to find what agenda points would be a precedence and for puting of aims. ( Philander, 2008, V.3 p.801 ) On February 16, 2005 the Kyoto Protocol became jurisprudence that lawfully force states which agree to fall in much comply with such understanding. In initial dialogues, the United States voluntarily accepted a more ambitious mark, assuring to cut down emanations to 7 per centum below 1990 degree ; the European Union, which had wanted a much tougher pact, committed to 8 per centum ; and Japan, to 6 per centum. Since the acceptance of the Kyoto Protocol, 175 parties have rarified it. The protocol ritual outlines the basic characteristics of the mechanism of it and the manner the system out, but does non explicate the regulations is really of import how they operate ( Philander, 2008, V.3 p.802 )3. NORTH AMERICA ON EMISSIONS REDUCTION:The United State of America ( US ) is the universe ‘s largest industrialized state and emitter of C dioxide ( see appendix A-5 ) . It is hence widely regarded as the most important subscriber to planetary heating and clime alteration. ( Philander, 2 008, V.3 p.1008 ) The US and China responsible for 40 per centum of the universe green house emanations ( see figure ES-1, ES-2, and ES-3 ) , president Barack Obama is assuring to put a cut of such emanations in the following three hebdomads ( approximately around the hebdomad of 12/20/2009 ) . Harmonizing to Todd Stern, the province section clime alteration minister plenipotentiary, estimates that the mark figure of decrease in nursery gas emanations of 14-20 % by 2020, compares with the 2005 degree. Obama has been making a solid committedness to cutting America ‘s emanations. During his trip in Beijing with China ‘s Hu Jintao, Obama said America would come up a figure for the emanation decreases target every bit long as China came up with its specific mark of its ain. ( Goldenberg, 2009 ) . The United State is publishing a big scope of guideline to cut down the emanation of green house gas. There are many plans the federal requires US citizen to follow and such plans to be operated by private sectors ( see Appendix D for complete list plans ) . When still in office former US president Bush promised that the US will cut down it emanations in comparable to its economic system size, and overall nursery gas strength was to cut down by 18 individual by the twelvemonth 2017 ( Long, 2004, p.5-6 ) Three states in North America are United States, Mexico, and Canada have launched a plan that calls â€Å"North American Carbon Atlas.† The C emanation will be mensurating, and happening the possible storage infinite for the America by such a plan ( Calvin, 2008, p.29 ) . Besides, the three states promise will go on to happen a gaining control and storage solution by funding to the research and development and presentation ( RD & A ; D ) . The over all attempt will intend to do information available and topographic point to interchange information, and besides a topographic point to dispose the emanation: Form a consensus on the methodological analysis to be used in gauging the CO2 capacity of assorted types of CO2 storage systems in North America. This will be peculiarly relevant for cross-border storage to extinguish international â€Å" mistake lines † and guarantee compatible estimations of storage capacity in North America. Promote possible coaction on RD & A ; D related to carbon gaining control and storage. This includes sharing attempts to measure alternate utilizations of CCS engineerings, such as Enhanced Oil or Coal-Bed Methane Recovery. ( Fattahova, † 11/29/2007 ) Although the US has tried to cut down the green house emanations affair, there are many more attempts have to be done in other to accomplish or follow with the universe committedness. Fortunately, the current president ‘s committedness with the decrease attempts, the affair of nursery decrease will shortly be resolve by President Barack Obama consistency to work out the job of planetary heating.4. SOUTH AMERICA:Brasils:its economic system stands at 10th and its population is in the fifth in the universe, Brazil places an of import function in clime policy. Brazil ‘s energy matrix is comparatively â€Å"clean-80 per centum of the generated electricity comes from hydropower, and 45 per centum of the state ‘s entire energy ingestions come from renewable beginnings. Most of Brazil ‘s CO2 emanations ( see appendix A-5 ) come from biomass combustion, as a consequence of deforestation. Deforestation is responsible for between 10 and 25 per centum of the planetary hu man-included C emanations and 60 per centum of all Brazil emanations. Although entire fossil fuel CO2 emanations have increased steadily and reached 90 million metric dozenss in 2004, Brazil ‘s per capita emanation rate of 0.50 metric dozenss of CO2 per twelvemonth remains good below planetary mean rates. ( Philander, 2008, V.2, p.136 ) The measure on domestic and international clime is favourable for Brazil ( an illustration is the design and chase of Clean Development Mechanisms, or CDMs ) . Brazil has been a leader in the Koto dialogues to present carbon-trading mechanisms such as CDMs, which allow for developed states and concerns to number nursery gas ( GHG ) decreases generated by undertakings carried out in less developed states ( LDCs ) . Currently, Brazil is the state hosting the largest figure of CDM undertakings ( Philander, 2008, V.2, p.136 ) . The Brazilian authorities is paying attending to undertakings that relates the Amazon rain forest, and has been loath to back enterprises such as Avoided Deforestation, which is supported by a alliance of conversation involvements and rainforest-rich countries.. This strategy would let developing states to take part in the Kyoto Protocol by electing to cut down their national emanations from deforestation. Forest-rich states would be allowed to publish C certifications, similar to the Certified Emisssions Reductions ( CERs ) of the CDM that would be sold to authoritiess or private investors ( Philander, 2008, V.2, p.137 ) . Domestically, Brazil has invested well in an energy matrix reliant on renewable resources. Brazil ‘s flagship biofuel plan is based on sugar cane and dual-fuel auto engineering ( auto run on sugar cane intoxicant and/or gasolene ) . The sugar cane biofuel plan is deserving over $ 8 billion a twelvemonth and generates a million direct occupations. Brazil ‘s bio-diesel plan is based on oil seeds such as Castor and helianthus harvests that produce clean energy, absorb C monoxide, and are labour intensive. ( Philander, 2008, V.2, p.137 )5. Africa:Soudan:is a sub-Saharan African ( SSA ) state that has been battling planetary warming for many decennaries. Similar to other SSA states, Sudan can anticipate an addition in temperature of 0.4 – 0.9 grades F ( 0.2 – 0.5 grades C ) per decennary, which may take to the clime going desiccant. In Sudan, rainfall is predicted to diminish by 25 per centum over 30 old ages, taking to desertification in a state that is already 50 per centum desert. ( Philander, 2008, V.3 p 931 ) Since the 1930s, the desert in Sudan expanded between 31 and 124 myocardial infarction. ( 50 and 200 kilometer ) , which has led to terrible H2O deficits. It has been predicted that 350 to 600 million people will confront H2O deficits in Sudan by the center of the twenty-first century. Water deficits, particularly in western Sudan, have led many Herders from northern Sudan to migrate to southern countries onto husbandmans ‘ lands in hunt of H2O. This struggle over H2O, which is a cherished resource in Sudan had led to force and to 2.4 million people being displaced in 2003. ( Kennedy, June 29, 2009 ) Although Sudan is confronting many challenges because of clime alteration, it barely contributes to worldwide nursery gas emanations. For case, in 1998, â€Å"Sudan ‘s entire C dioxide emanations was 3,597 thousand metric dozenss ( tmt ) compared with 515,001 tmt for SSA and 24,215,376 tmt for the universe. Non-carbon dioxide emanations for Sudan in 1995 were 132 tmt compared with 5,345 tmt for SSA and 141,875 tmt for the world.† Even though Sudan barely contributes to planetary heating, the authorities of Sudan intends to accommodate the National Adaptation Plans for Action, which highlight several policy steps to accommodate to climate alteration. These included increasing irrigation and low H2O harvests, H2O direction and preservation engineering sustainable forest resource ingestion, and decrease of farm animal. The authorities of Sudan has besides ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. ( Philander, 2008, V.3 p 934 ) . In add-on, Sudan an d Brazil are teaming up with the same program that to utilize sugar cane to do biofuel. The works about 250 kilometers turn toing from Khartoum capital, to building in cooperation with Brasil Dedini corporation. It aims to bring forth 200 million ethanol litres of ethyl alcohol from sugar cane within the following two old ages. ( Sawahel, June 24, 2009 )6. Europe:France:The largest among the states of Western Europe, France boasts a long history of universe leading in the humanistic disciplines, scientific disciplines, and industrialisation. The state ‘s moderate clime and its ample agricultural land have made it the European Union ‘s largest agricultural manufacturer, ranking 2nd merely to the United States in the universe market. Like other affluent Western states, France has been confronted with the jobs go toing urbanisation, industrialisation, and the loss of the unfastened infinite. The state joins with two-dozen international attempts to the Kyoto Protocol to work out the planetary heating affair on the regional and universe degrees. ( Philander, 2008, V.2 p 432 ) France places a great concern on the planetary heating issue because since 1950 the temperatures have increased about twice the mean rate. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change ( IPCC ) set up be the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environmental Program ( UNEP ) to measure factors connected to climate alteration, estimates that sea degrees by 2100 could lift at a rate three times that of the twentieth century. France authorities has built unreal reefs in an attempt to incorporate eroding, but experts do non believe such attempt would assist the state in the long tally. ( Philander, 2008, V.2 p 433 ) The authorities makes theirs best attempt to cut down the jobs of Global Warming. Besides the authorities programs of addition public consciousness and solution to the jobs of planetary heating. A high per centum of 80 percent public consciousness in France claims to be successful. France besides makes committedness to protecting the unfastened infinites. About 30 per centum of the land ( of ) France today includes the wood and wood. Forest regeneration has become a common scheme to cut down CO2 emanations, but the Gallic authorities is subsidising forest regeneration since 1747, and it ‘s pronounced private 10s of 1000000s of euro to the aid communities and persons Refresh Print Private Property forests 2000-10. Energy production by air current power and biofuels have increased in France, but it is the 80 per centum of its energy demands being met by atomic power that gives France the cleanest air among industrialised states. About 58 ownership size atomic power works in a approximately cultural Texas besides account for 40 per centum of S dioxide N and emanations emission intrinsical France CO2 decrease and oxide 70 per centum decreases. Greenhouse gas France emanation is lowest among power EU, and they still decline. Among the major Western European states, France is closest to fulfilling is Kyoto Protocol duties. President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was elected in May 2007, promised revenue enhancement reforms that include a new revenue enhancement on CO2 emanations and a revenue enhancement on goods imported from states that have non signed the Kyoto Protocol. France seems positioned non merely to hit its ain marks in the universe ‘s response to planetary heating, but besides to act upon states that have elected non to follow.7. Asia:Japan:an Island State with the universe ‘s tenth largest population, Japan is one of the most powerful economic centres of the Earth. The United is the lone state that has higher engineering advanced than Japan. Unfortunately, Japan has ranged in the list of universe ‘s leader in its part to planetary heating. In 2004, the state ranked 4th, after the United States, China, and Rusia, in its C dioxide ( CO2 ) emanations. Regardless of the state attempt in cut downing on CO2, Japan continues to bring forth about 5 per centum of the universe ‘s CO2 ( Philander, 2008, V.2, p.564 )Kyoto Protocol:Japan is a signer to the Kyoto Protocol and is obligate by the understanding to cut down its nursery emanations by 6 per centum of the 1990 degree, but studies show that the state is far for the mark. Pressure for more actions is increasing as the immediate effects of planetary heating are felt throughout the state. The production of rice, Japan ‘s most of import harvest domestically, is expected to increase in some parts of the state as temperatures warm. Researcher predicts that the rise in temperatures will diminish wheat production throughout the state. Concern about heavier weed growing, harmful insects, and alterations in rainfall forms that create drought in some countries and do brassy inundations in others generate fright every bit good. ( Philander, 2008, V.2, p.564 ) Japan has actively responded to these challenges. It has become a universe leader in the development and execution of engineerings to look into taint and energy enterprise capacity. Revise energies save Law, accept in 1999, promote both umbilical local authorities to convey friendly engineerings environmentally such as solar energy, air current power and many fuels vehicles ( Calvin, 2008, p.201 ) . Japan, host to the conference ( see picture† A seaport on an island† ) that led to the Kyoto Protocol, has signed and ratified more than a twelve other international environmental understandings, including Biodiversity, Desertification, Hazardous Wastes, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, and Tropical Timber 94. ( Philander, 2008, V.2, P.565 ) Investing ( of ) Japan in deciding the environmental issues on a planetary degree besides includes existent part to the Global Media Environment Facility ( GEF ) , a major feeder of the many international support mechanism established in 1991 to assist developing states in developing plans and undertakings that protect the Global Environment and the Sustainable. Japan contributed $ 84 million 1991-93, $ 415 million 1994-98, and $ 412 Million 1998-2002. In 2007, concerned that Asia ‘s energy ingestion had grown by 230 per centum since 1977, and alarmed by anticipations that would duplicate once more by 2030, Japan pledged $ 100 million in grants to the Asian Development Bank. ( Philander, 2008, V.2, p.565 ) . Ignoring forecasters, Japan insists that the state will run into its Kyoto mark.8. Australia:Australia is a affluent state, the chief transit are electricity and autos. In the recent old ages more people are get downing to utilize bikes, coach, and train. However, Australia has high consequence in C dioxide emanations per capita: 7.5 metric dozenss in 1990, lifting to 8.6 metric dozenss by 2003. Fortunately, the state maintains a really low electricity coevals, merely 28.4 per centum of it comes from fossil fuels, with 68.6 per centum from hydropower. As the consequence, the state produces highly low rates of emanations of S dioxide, N oxide, and C monoxide. ( Philander, 2008, V.1, p. 102 ) The state is affected by planetary heating in the ground old ages including some thaw of the Alpine glacier. The Great Barrier Reef off Australia is in highly serious status, and perchance in this twenty-first century harmonizing some experts that the universe last coral reef dies ( Calvin, 2008, p.175 ) . The United Nations environmental study in 2003 claims that if planetary heating continues to raise, the temperature in Australia many ski resorts or ski tallies will hold no snow by 2030. The Australia authorities of Fred Sinowatz took portion in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change signed in Rio de Janeiro in May 1992. They are besides signed the official Amenities Kyoto model to the UN Conventions on clime alteration on April 29, 1998, and this is in consequence February 16, 2005 in an attempt to cut down nursery emanations In the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change held on August 31, 2007 the intents are to speak about the decrease in air and dirt poll ution from industrial chemicals, which besides includes the forbiddance of leaded gasolene. After the convention, the authorities issues policies that encourage the usage of air current power and solar power, with revenue enhancement credits to promote citizens to put in solar panels. ( Philander, 2008, V.1, p. 102, 103 ) Ten billion metric ton of C dioxide and other nursery gasses are exhaled into atmosphere each twelvemonth. A typical 124,000 -mile lifetime of an car, the Toyota Primus will breathe 32 dozenss of C dioxide from its tailpipe versus a Ford Excursion spiting 134 dozenss ( Philander, 2008, V.1, p.103-105 ) . In this position the authorities encourages its people to purchase intercrossed or electric vehicles ( see Table 1 for list of reflects the decrease in kgs possible by utilizing alternate signifiers of transits ) . Another option is to increasing battery life which could assist do intercrossed autos more attractive to purchaser because it is the chief ground consumer are declining or postpones purchasing such type of autos. ( Philander, V.1, p.106 ) .9. Decision:Although states in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia are together in their attempts to cut down the jobs of planetary heating, there are still jobs that need to be solved for each state. The Un ited States need to cut down theirs greenhouse emanation with more realistic per centum figure and decidedly down from its current held of 40 per centum. The Brazil ‘s authorities much tries its best attempts to cut down the Deforestation which is one of the ground lead to planetary heating. Although Sudan does non lend much of the planetary heating affair, the state has to confront with H2O deficit from the cause of planetary heating ; Sudan ‘s authorities demand to happen better solution to work out the H2O deficit affair. In France, the authorities has to cover with the temperature continue to heat up. The Japan ‘s authorities is struggle with its promising of cut downing nursery emanations by 6 per centum. Similar to Japan, Australia has a high degree of C dioxide emanations. Regardless of the jobs, the procedure of assisting the universe will go on to be successful if states in the universe continue to team up to work out this twenty-first century job that is planetary heating. Lending to work out this twenty-first century planetary heating issues states of North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia have come with each person campaign. In America the president committedness to come up with a mark figure of 14-20 % by the twelvemonth 2020 ; besides the state launched a plan called â€Å"North American Carbon Atlas.† Such plan usage as a storage and gaining control map to greenhouse emanations. In Brazil the authorities has been a leader in the Koto dialogues to present carbon-trading mechanisms ( CDM ) , decreases generated by undertakings carried out in less developed states ( LDCs ) . Currently, Brazil is the state hosting the largest figure of CDM undertakings. In Sudan, even though the state is barely contributed to planetary heating, but the authorities intends to accommodate the National Adaptation Plans for Action, which highlights several policy steps to accommodate to climate alteration. In France, the authorities is place figure one state in the European to follow with the cupboard figure demand of the Kyoto Protocol. Besides, the state promotes the public affection plan and about 80 per centum of such plan was successful. In Japan, although the state has been seeking to cut down nursery emanation, the mark figure has non yet make despite the attempts. Japan has contributed financially to help some 3rd word state to contend planetary heating. In Australia, the authorities mark contract with Kyoto Protocol to cut down nursery emanation. The Australia authorities has promote it people to utilize intercrossed auto, or utilize public transit to cut down the C dioxide and other nursery gasses are exhaled into atmosphere each twelvemonth.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Of Mice and Men: A Novel by John Steinbeck

In the novel of mice and men,Steinbeck never gives Curley’s Wife a name. This is done to show that she does not have any identity or position on the ranch. As Curley’s Wife is a representation of all women in the 1930s I feel Steinbeck uses her to show that she does not have any identity or position on the ranch. As Curley’s Wife is a representation of all women in the 1930s I feel Steinbeck uses her to show that most women back then had no identity or position in the working world. No characters in the novella care for Curley’s Wife and very little attention is given to her. However many of the men only see her as an object. I think Steinbeck conveys that idea by his description of her. When we and George and Lennie are first introduced to her, Steinbeck takes a long time to describe her. ‘She had full rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her finger nails were red. Her hair hung in little clusters, like sausages†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This I feel Steinbeck uses to present Curley’s Wife as an object to the men and society. It is to show that Curley’s wife is worth as much as she is wearing. But Steinbeck doesn’t only use the description of what she is wearing, he also fully describes her actions. This is to show the physical awareness the men have towards her. ‘She put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward’ Steinbeck’s description of Curley’s Wife’s actions, I think, is to not only describe the men’s physical awareness, but to show the desperation of Curley’s Wife and the women in the 1930s. Steinbeck presents the men’s reactions towards her as hostile through the use of language. When George first meets her he responds to her ‘brusquely’. I think this is to show the hesitance men have towards Curley’s Wife. I feel Steinbeck not only does this to make us feel sympathy towards Curley’s Wife and women in the 1930s, but also towards men in the 1930s as they have to be extremely careful and hostile so they can keep their jobs. This I think is the contrast Steinbeck is trying to make towards Lennie’s reaction. As Lennie does not understand normal social behaviour he is in awe of Curley’s Wife. I think Steinbeck does this to show that two people who don’t fit into society are maybe the ones that do. John Steinbeck uses different methods to present Curley’s Wife and women in the 1930s. I fell Steinbeck uses Curley’s Wife as a representation of injustice in the 1930s. Steinbeck presents the character of Curley’s Wife as manipulative; however I feel he only does this to make us feel sympathy to Curley’s Wife and women in the 1930s. The fact that Curley’s wife has to be manipulative to get attention which she is so starved for does not kill any sympathy that the reader could have for her but drives it so that the reader is more sympathetic. I also feel that Steinbeck uses Curley’s wife as a reflection on men in the 1930s as they are manipulative yet despise Curley’s wife because she is manipulative; they do not realise that it is them that made her so in the first place. I feel that ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a perfect representation of the treatment of human beings in the 1920s.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Contemporary Issues in World Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Contemporary Issues in World Politics - Essay Example International trade is one of the aspects of the global political economy that are prominent with regards to international relations. Foreign investment is one of the resultant aspects of economic globalization. As nations continued to advance technologically after the industrial revolution, better means of transport and communication led to the movement of investors beyond political boundaries, especially during the colonial period (Oatley, 2011). As economies expanded, trade grew and exchange of goods and services between investors from different countries continued to grow. This made international trade a phenomenon of political scrutiny. The political view point depicts foreign trade as different from domestic economic activity (Jeffrey et al. 2000). Foreign trade between different countries generates various political issues that are of interest to the nation state, particularly issues regarding the financial and military security of a country. A nation exporting products to a foreign country increases its monetary wellbeing and also promotes job creation. Nevertheless, national security may be jeopardized especially if the product is used to strengthen a foreign country’s military strength (Gilpin, 2001). For example, the discovery of gun powder by Chinese researchers in the 11th century led to a great transformation of the world order by the 17th century and subsequent centuries. China as a nation state could not achieve the military might of European countries that resulted from the application the invention of gun powder (Friedberg, 2005). On the other hand, importing leads to the development of dependency of the receiving nation on foreign countries. It also leads to a reduction in national reserves thereby contributing to inflation. Moreover, local businesses as well as the labor market are threatened. On the other hand, the importing nation may experience security concerns

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Marketing Management - Essay Example From there onwards, the paper shows an analysis of the company’s micro-environment and macro-environment. There are many elements in the company’s internal and external environment and it is essential for the managers to understand every detail of these environments. In today’s world, it is not only the internal environment of the company that is important but also the external forces that act upon the company and influence the way it works. Therefore, Emirates Airline must understand its environment and deal with it effectively. Furthermore, a SWOT analysis of the company is done to get a holistic view of the company in order to better understand it. And finally, recommendations are made, after extensive research on the company and its environment, as to what changes the company must adopt in order to avoid failure and continue prospering in today’s challenging environment. There are many benefits of doing customer analysis for Emirates Airlines. Firstly, it is important to note that Emirates Airlines operates in more than 50 countries throughout the world (Nasser, et al, 2005). This means that it encounters with a wide array of cultures in its customer base. It would be impossible for the company to manage its operations if it did not understand these cultures and did not cater to them individually. There are many changes happening in today’s world. The customers are much more informed due to technological advancements and the widespread of internet. There is increasingly fierce competition in the airline industry and the customer perceptions and preferences are changing due to the global recession and awareness. All these factors conclude to changes in the demands of the customers. By doing a thorough analysis of the customers changing needs, Emirates Airlines can tailor its marketing mix, distribution channels and offerings

Research Methods in Business Studies Assignment - 1

Research Methods in Business Studies - Assignment Example This means that all themes that come with the results of the study are outlined and discussed in this chapter. Some of the themes that the chapter will look includes data collection, which explains how the research design was operationalized, data gathering, which explains the actual process of collecting data, data analysis, which presents and analyses data, sampling selection, which throws light on how the sample used in the study was constructed, and survey participants demographic classification, which gives the unique demographic characteristics of the participants used in the study. The results chapter of the study is expected to give an overall view of what the real situation on the ground is, as far as the issue of EMR adoption in China is concerned. This is because it is through the results chapter that what participants who are directly affected or part of the situation give out information on what they perceive about the research problem (Ghauri and Gronhaung, 2002). Gill and Johnson (2007) noted that the data collection process defines the overall plan used in for the collection of data (Hussey and Hussey, 2007). By implication, the data collection component of this chapter helps to understand how the researcher put the research design into action. As part of the plan to collect data, the researcher had to select a research approach, which would help to identify the best way to approach the whole task of collecting data. Meanwhile, Remenyi, Williams, Money, and Swartz (2008) and Hakim (2010) presented two major types of research approaches which are the deductive and inductive research approach. In the deductive research approach, the researcher sets a hypothesis, based on which data is collected to either justify or disprove the hypothesis (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2003).  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marketing Communications - Assignment Example Audi AG is a German manufacturer of automobiles, involved in designing, engineering and distributing of the same. Since 1966, the brand is majorly owned by Volkswagen Group, who has re-launched the brand through Audi F103 edition. Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, famous by the name of BMW, is a German motorcycle and automobile manufacturing company, which was founded in 1916.Both the brands, Audi and BMW, are hugely successful worldwide. They have loyal consumer base and immense brand equity. Both these companies are well-known for upgraded technology and innovation. These are the brands that feature in the upscale mid-size car segment. Presently, with these two products, they are fiercely competing in the automobile market in the USA. Audi A4’s turbo-charged four cylinder engine generates huge power to the car. The front wheel drive models are provided with a continuously variable transmission (CVT). Whereas, the models with all wheel drive gets either an eight speed automatic transmission or a six speed manual. Drivers opined that with the precise and nicely-weighted steering system and powerful brakes, this car is favored by most. It has brilliant interior, balanced handling and also scores high in fuel economy (US News, 2014a). BMW 320i is equipped with turbo-charged four cylinder engine as well. This car equals in the mileage obtained with Audi 4, which is 24-36 mpg. 320i has a spacious interior with more cargo carriage space than Audi A4. 320i has impressive handling and acceleration (US News, 2014).The car is fuel efficient. It is through balance in operation that Audi A4 can compete with BMW 320i. The output of both the cars in terms of torque and power of the engine has been almost similar. Both the cars are considered to be luxury vehicles and purchased by consumers as status symbol products in the market. Through the range of power within each car is different, but it is noted that power steering facilities,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Philosophies address the commonplaces of law concerning authority and Essay

Philosophies address the commonplaces of law concerning authority and the common good - Essay Example But the study of law is neither science nor metaphysics; since law is a normative phenomenon, there must always be a practical reason for studying law. As a normative construct, law attempts to correct human behaviors according to some norm. It is the attempt to determine this normative facet of law that troubles both law-makers and philosophers of law. As we see in modern philosophies of law, there are two primary ways of understanding the normativity of law, which are based either on a natural law tradition (represented primarily by L.L. Fuller), and legal positivism, which attempts to break laws down into social facts, as opposed to facts of nature. The natural law tradition as it applies to the philosophy of law is represented primarily by the 20th century philosopher L.L. Fuller, who developed eight ways to fail for any legal system in his work The Morality of Law (1967) . On Fuller’s word, if any of the eight normative principles are not represented within a government, a system will not be â€Å"legal†. Fuller argues for these principles to the extent that they represent the â€Å"internal morality of law† and that one is guided by such principles to create just laws, and straying from them makes one liable to creating evil laws (Fuller, 1967, p. 39). To that extent, Fuller seems to be following St. Augustine, a natural law philosopher, who said famously, â€Å"Unjust law is not law† (Marmor, 2001). On Fuller’s view, proper laws cannot be made without some reference to morality, making it a natural law thesis. Legal positivism stands opposed to the natural law tradition, rejecting any natural basis for laws in â€Å"natural facts† for morality. H.L.A. Hart, who belongs to the legal positivist tradition, adheres to the (2) conventionality thesis, thinks conditions for legal validity exist within standards of recognition that produce best practices in making or modifying law. These stand because they are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Human biology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human biology - Research Paper Example The consequences of decreased coronary blood flow are influenced by the quantum of reduction in blood flow and the duration of the reduced blood flow. Decreased coronary blood flow results in oxygen deprivation to the heart muscles and when this disruption is slight the consequence is impairment in the relaxation of the heart muscle and weakened contraction, as experienced in the case of angina pectoris. This decreased blood flow may be transient, which is reversible through the use of nitroglycerin tablets. However, when the ischemia due to reduced coronary blood flow is prolonged it may lead to decreased myocardial contraction or dyskinesis that is not easily reversible and prolongs for many hours. The consequence of chronic reduction in coronary blood flow is the failure of the myocardium to contract normally termed hibernation, which may or may not result in necrosis of the myocardium. Severe blockage of the coronary blood flow results in myocardial infarction. In all these conse quences due to impaired coronary blood flow substantial dyskinesis occurs, causing the rest of the myocardium to take up this extra load. This results in hypertrophy of the unaffected portions of the ventricle (Fuster et al, 2004). Cardiac catheterization is an invasive procedure that is conducted to evaluate blood flow to the myocardium of the heart and assess the effectiveness of the pumping of the heart. In cardiac catheterization a medical professional introduces a thin plastic tube called the catheter into an artery or vein of the arms or leg. From this site it is progressively advanced into the chambers of the heart or the coronary arteries for the required evaluation (American Heart Association, 2009). Even though there has been continual improvement in the techniques employed in noninvasive testing of hemodynamics to provide greater accuracy, cardiac catheterization has

Friday, August 23, 2019

Risk and quality management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Risk and quality management - Essay Example Tutor Signature: Date: Task 1 Introduction The following report includes the description of the term quality management and the term risk management. The report also includes the description of importance of these concepts at different stages of a project. The report also includes the description of BS ISO 10006-2003 and its adequacy with respect to the different stages of a project. The report also includes the suggestion as how this standard can be improved. Finally a conclusion has been drawn on the basis of the overall analysis. Quality management Quality management can be said to be the process of management of the quality of the project under consideration. Quality management has different definitions with respect to different businesses and processes. A project can be said to be a temporary endeavour having a defined beginning and end, which is undertaken with predefined objectives and goals, so it is vital for the effective attainment of objectives to manage the quality of th e project. The main aim behind quality management is to attain all the project objectives and goals by effectively honouring the preconceived constraints of the project and managing the quality of the objectives or results under consideration (Kerzner, 2010). ... Risk management Risk management can be said to be a simple process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to the factors associated with risks during the life of the project under consideration. Risk management, in simpler terms, can be said to be the controlling of the risk factors and the possibilities of the risky events and handling them in a proactive manner rather than in a reactive manner. Risk management includes two steps: the assessment of risks and the control of risks. The risk assessment is the process performed at each level of the project; the control of the processes is performed at stages when the implementation is done and the performance is derived from the standards set. Risk management is the vital step which needs to be performed at each stage of the project, so that the project can be accomplished with the available resources and so that the prescribed objectives can be achieved (Maylor, 2003). Prince 2 (Projects in Controlled Environment) This is a process- based method, which is highly effective in the management of projects. This is a de facto standard, which is extensively utilized by the government of UK and is also used in the private sectors for the management of the projects. The PRINCE2 provides greater control of resources, and this also helps manage the project risks and business risks in a more effective manner. PRINCE2 aids in several areas of project management: the justification of the business or project purpose; defining of the organization structure which aids the project management team; planning-based approach; emphasis on the project by dividing it into manageable and controllable stages and by outlining its specified structure. This method is highly

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Emotions & Brody Essay Example for Free

Emotions Brody Essay Brody (2001) defines â€Å"emotions as motivational systems with physiological, behavioral, experiential, and cognitive components† (p. 15). The author adds that â€Å"emotions have a positive or negative valence and also vary in intensity or arousal levels, from mild to strong† (p. 15). Emotional expression indicates outward manifestation on an individual’s face, while emotional experience is a state of feeling that only the individual knows it (Brody, 2001). Emotional expression may either play a role as a self-communicative function or may reflect the behavioral and physiological arousal together with the emotional experience (Brody, 2001). Expression of feelings may help an individual to determine the characteristic of an emotional experience (Brody, 2001). Factors that influence facial expression rely on the individual who expresses the emotion, the individual who perceives the emotion, the message expressed in each channel, and previous experience (Ekman Sullivan, 1991). Facial feedback pertains to patterned proprioceptive feedback coming from the muscle activity in the face or from integrated expressions in the face (Ekman Sullivan, 1991). According to Ekman and Sullivan (1991), the facial feedback hypothesis is an important determining factor of the experience of emotion. The authors add that the facial feedback hypothesis contends that an individual can utilize information from his or her own facial behavior to figure out what he or she feels. The facial feedback hypothesis also claims that the expression of emotion causes autonomic, hormonal, and behavioral alterations that initiate the experience of the emotion (Brody, 2001). Facial expressions are being utilized by individuals as clues as to what emotions they are experiencing or in making judgments concerning their attitudes (Brody, 2001). A positive facial expression show more positive reactions such as understanding instead of anger, than those individuals who are showing angry facial expressions (Brody, 2001). Emotional experience happens when unforeseen changes in personally significant goals are realized (Stein, Hernandez, Trabasso, 2008). The situation that surrounds an emotion starts when a precipitating event happens and warns an individual to some type of alterations in a personally significant goal (Stein, Hernandez, Trabasso, 2008). An emotional episode is defined as a â€Å"sequence of events that includes the precipitating event; appraisals of the change in the status of a goal; the physiological and neurophysiological reactions that occur in relation to the change; the emotional reaction itself; and subsequent appraisal, planning, and behavior sequences carried out to cope with the impact of the goal change† (Stein, Hernandez, Trabasso, 2008, p. 575). An emotional response of an individual should continue to be expressed or experienced if new meaning is realized from discovering a repeated event in order for the event to be connected to new information not previously accessed (Stein, Hernandez, Trabasso, 2008). Appraisal theory contends that emotions rely on understanding the adaptational relevance or personal significance of a situation (Parkinson, 2001). Appraisal is influenced by several factors such as perceptual, sensory-motor, and cognitive processes (Parkinson, 2001). Furthermore, appraisal processes are believed to happen between input and output in a cognitive system of an individual (Parkinson, 2001). They are influenced by an ongoing dialogue, in which interpersonally distributed cognition was used to achieve emotional conclusions (Parkinson, 2001). When an individual describes his or her experience based on a given emotion, he or she has a tendency to manifest distinctive patterns of appraisal corresponding to the given emotion (Parkinson, 2001). This means that an individual’s everyday emotional representations are linked with relatively consistent attributes of appraisal profiles (Parkinson, 2001). References Brody, L. (2001). Gender, emotion, and the family. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Ekman, P. O’Sullivan, M. (1991). Facial expression: Methods, means, and moues. In R. S. Feldman B. Rime (Eds. ), Fundamentals of nonverbal behavior (pp. 163-199). Cambridge University Press. Parkinson, B. (2001). Putting appraisal in context. In K. R. Scherer, A. Schorr, T. Johnstone (Eds. ), In Appraisal processes in emotion: Theory, methods, research (pp. 173-186). USA: Oxford University Press. Stein, N. L. , Hernandez, M. W. , Trabasso, T. (2008). In M. Lewis, J. M. Haviland-Jones, L. F. Barrett (Eds. ), Handbook of emotions (pp. 574-586). United Kingdom: Guilford Press.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Function of the Narrator in Blood Brothers Essay Example for Free

The Function of the Narrator in Blood Brothers Essay There are other instances of the characters showing that they can feel the narrators attendance. When Mickey and Eddie meet again, Mrs Lyons spots them sneaking off and can feel a cold shiver going down her spine, as she is afraid that they might find out the truth. The narrator is in the room with her and begins to speak, Did you really feel that youd become secure, And that the past was tightly locked away The imagery of this speech is quite threatening with undertones of criminality in phrases such as locked away, debts to pay and reckoning day. This reinforces the narrators malevolent nature and creates an atmosphere of foreboding to which Mrs Lyons reaction is one of fear. The narrator also speaks or shouts directly at other characters and although they cant see him they often move to face him. This suggests that they can hear what he is saying. The narrator often mirrors the thoughts of the characters signifying that he may be acting as their subconscious. One example of this is when Mrs Johnstone begins to feel regretful after giving away one of her sons. As she has sworn on the bible, she cannot turn to God and, as the narrator says, there Aint no point in clutching. At your rosary. Here the narrator seems to be telling of Mrs Johnstones thoughts and the echo of her earlier conversation with Mrs Lyons in And you cant tell anyone also seems to be doing this. Mrs Johnstone knows that she cannot tell anyone that she has sold a son because Mrs Lyons has stated that if they ever find out the truth they will both immediately die. The narrators speech before Eddie heads to university is an important part of the play. It takes us from when they are fifteen through the three years till they are eighteen and describes the beauty of youth and the carefree attitude that they have as teenagers. However, it also hints that the future will not bring the same happiness. The narrator says Young, free and innocent, you havent got a care Apart from decidin on the clothes youre gonna wear The streets turned into Paradise, the radios singing dreams Youre innocent, immortal, youre just fifteen. This sums up their love for life and the feelings of freedom that they have at that time. However, the narrator then follows with And whod dare tell the lambs in Spring, What fate the later seasons bring. Whod tell the girl in the middle of the pair The price shell pay for just being there. This speech is used as an effective dramatic device to show the passing of time. As the characters are larking about in the background the narrator is hinting towards a worrying future and this contrast between the tones has the effect of casting a shadow over the latter part of the story and upsetting the comfortable atmosphere created earlier. More clues to the future of the story lie later in the speech when the narrator says, How living could be anything other than a dream When youre young, free and innocent and just eighteen The Mickey, Linda and Eddie leave and the narrator continues. And only if the three of them could stay like that forever, And only if we could predict no changes in the weather, And only if we didnt live in life, as well as dreams And only if we could stop and be forever, just eighteen. The repetition of And only shows that there is regret that it cant stay like that but also that the change is inevitable. This is a turning point in the play and the language of the speech shows that the three young characters have reached their prime, and that from now on there can only be a downward slide towards the tragic ending that the narrator foretold at the beginning of the play. In conclusion the narrator acts as a pivotal character in the play. He demonstrates some traits of a usual narrator such as bridging large gaps of time with his speech and beginning and concluding the play. However, he is also a far more important character than most narrators because he seems able to influence the characters, which is not seen in other plays. The audience also never know the identity of the narrator and his character does not develop like the other actors, which makes him more isolated and, although there is a dramatic relationship between the audience and the narrator, does not allow the audience to create empathy with him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Verbal and Non Verbal-Communication Comparison

Verbal and Non Verbal-Communication Comparison Verbal Communication is act of conveying messages, ideas, or feelings through the use of mouth, words, technology over long distances and other social media. Typically, verbal-communication serves as an important tool for expressing some messages between two or more people. Non-verbal communication can be referred as those behaviors that expressing or conveying feelings, ideas or messages without the use of words. For example, body language, gestures, facial expression, voice pitch, physical contact, proxemics, physical characteristics (skin color, body shape and attractiveness), use of artifacts (perfume, clothes and jewelry) and environmental factors (classroom, office and hallway). To reinforce them, sometimes there’re more than one or two categories of communication occur on a conversation, such as verbal and non-verbal communication were present simultaneously. Even though non-verbal communication can be identified immediately compared with verbal communication, sometimes its meaning is generally more ambiguous, such as a person told his friend about he is feeling happy now but may not necessary smile. There’re some non-verbal communication behavior can be conveying via technology, e.g. film. In this whole new generation, peoples normally communicate with each other verbally. Basically, talkative and understanding are belong to main elements in verbal communication. Except of talkative and understanding, people have to identify the primary purpose of communication also. Attitude, behavior, morality and the way to use verbal communication skills, sets the emotional tone and develops relationships are the main elements to determines success in the workplace. There’re many circumstances which need clear verbal communication which involve presentations, interviews, meetings, group discussions, speeches and so on. However, there’re still have some other situations should be avoid which include either talking too much or little, fear of expressing own ideas, incapable to providing adequate structure to listener, failure of convey a subject to life, and inadequate ability to convey the information listener require. However, people also tend to use non-verbal communication in their daily life and all of these non-verbal communications such as facial expression, hand gesture, tune of voice and others are correlated to their feelings and messages they really tend to express. There’re six characteristic of non-verbal communication which involves i.) Present in most communication contexts; ii.) Often conveys more information than verbal communication; iii.) Is usually believed over verbal communication; iv.) Primary means of expressing emotion; v.) Metacommunicates; vi.) Multiple Functions. Non-verbal can be identified through its six-characteristic as stated above. It’s always present in most communication contexts. When people start a conversation with others, they might get the meaning or ideas from other people by not only their spoken word but also several dimensions of nonverbal communication. Normally, it can be easily to identify how someone feeling through their facial expression. For example, an employee can verify his own performance through the employer’s facial expression before start any announcement. Besides that, voice pitch is also one of non-verbal communication and conveys information about a person’s state of thought. For instance, parents may give warning to their children with lower voice pitch when they found children did something wrong or touch some hazardous materials. Alternatively, physical characteristic of people such as skin color, body shape, body odor and attractiveness can be even transferring information. This also named as Halo Effect which mean people usually attribute positive qualities and characteristic to attractive person. People often think attractive people are smart, intelligent, hardworking, friendly, more competent, and more socially skilled than less attractive people. Furthermore, nonverbal communication always conveys more information than verbal communication. The reason is that non-verbal communication can be expressed by many communication channels, such as gestures, facial expression and vocal characteristic. For example, a wife can understand her alcoholic husband who prone to emotional outbursts. When he gets home from company each day, his wife will never know how he’ll be feeling. Sometimes, he may be smile and happy; some days he might be upset and anger without any reasons. As time goes by, she has noticed that she able to determine her husband’s mood without any talking with him. She merely looks at his facial expression and voice pitch to tell whether he’s sullen, joyful or depressed. Moreover, non-verbal communication is the primary means of expressing emotion. As stated in the example above about a wife and her alcoholic husband, she has developed the ability to determine her husband’s emotional state accurately with just a glance by looking at her posture and facial expressions. Emotion is one of elements to affect people behavior and the way of communicating how people feel is via their non-verbal behavior. There’re two primary communication channels of non-verbal behaviors in the communication of emotions are facial expressions and vocal behaviors. Humans being are visual creatures, which mean people often tend to pay attention on others’ facial expression rather than spoken words during they’re talking in face to face situation. They will used to figure out a person emotional state by listening to the person’s vocal characteristic too. It can be assumed a person is angry when he is yelling and using harsh vocal tones, where as laughter or applause is infer that the person is happy or excited. Base on some special situation, vocal channel is the only accessible channel, such as people talking to each other on the phone. People can identify about individuals’ emotional state from their voices easily even though they can’t looking at persons’ facial expression. Alternatively, metacommunicates is also one of non-verbal characteristics. Metacommunication defines as a way that interprets how a verbal exchange of information should be explained. For example, people use statements such as â€Å"Let me share something with you about him†¦,† â€Å"Don’t tell anyone of this†¦,† and â€Å"Don’t take it serious, I’m just kidding.† Normally, they’ll try to prevent any misunderstandings and clarify themselves to listeners about the meaning of their statements. For instance, a group of teenagers would like to share some gossip to each other during a prom night. They’ll try to lean over to listener and lower their voice to a whisper when they starting to tell a secret. All of these combinations of non-verbal behaviors are sending a message, â€Å"What I had said is only for you to hear.† In short, people non-verbal behavior metacommunicates their intentions to the listener. Sometimes, it may feel confusing on the contradictory to get conflicting messages between the verbal and nonverbal behavior. Typically, people more often trust the nonverbal clues rather than verbal. Let’s say a guy who is waiting for his girlfriend at Starbuck Coffee shop. When she walks into the shop with an upset expression, then she’s finding a seat for sitting down. The guy may ask her what’s happened, and she replied and says, â€Å"Nothing was happened and I have fun today.† The guy may feel confusing about the contradictory of messages the girl sent, but he do more believing in her nonverbal behavior. In other words, as what’s the example have shown, the guy would believe his girlfriend is feeling upset rather than happiness. Why people believe in nonverbal behavior than verbal communication? According to psychologists’ perspectives, they regard people will have a harder time to control nonverbal signals than verbal ones; therefore, people generally think nonverbal behaviors more exactly reflect what a person really tend to express and how they really feel as well. Normally, people used to convey the messages that about they are having a great day and very enjoyed the fun for concealing their real thinking and feeling. Therefore, non-verbal messages are regard as more reliable Based on Old folk stated, an action â€Å"speaks† louder than a word. Thus, when verbal and nonverbal messages are inconsistent, people tend to trustthe nonverbal due to it is seen as being more difficult to fake. For example, a student had overslept and therefore come late to his school, but he gives teacher an excuse about something was emergences happened in house. This student may feel tense to tell such a lie, especially he know he will get penalty if he were to get caught. Chances are that his nervousness will influence his nonverbal behavior, such as trembling when talk to teacher. Besides that, an experiment reported by Zuckerman, DePaulo, and Rosenthal has proved that virtually everything people use to detect that someone else is used to make deceptions are comes from their nonverbal act. Furthermore, people cannot not to communicate due to nonverbal communication, such as playing poker games. When someone is normally used to talk loudly but suddenly become quiet and keep smiling, there’s must be something secret other players. It can be assume that person has higher probability to win the games so stop talking for concealing his excitement. Moreover, one group of friends may sit together for having supper in a table and start discussing some topics about their opinion onto sport or entertainment news. Some of them among group might keep quiet when they’re disagreeing with what’s the speakers said but didn’t voice it out. Except the roles in emotional expression, non-verbal communication also takes several additional functions which assist people interact with other persons effectively. The additional functions which involve i. nonverbal communication assists people manage conversation, ii. Nonverbal communication helps people maintain relationships, iii. Nonverbal communication helps people make impressions, iv. Nonverbal communication helps people influence other persons, v. Nonverbal communication helps people conceal information. Firstly, nonverbal communication is plays as tool of managing conversations. People can use nonverbal behavior such as raising a hand in meeting for asking questions. In additional, people frowning their eyes brow to convey that they don’t understand what the speaker is talking about. Secondly, nonverbal communications help to maintain relationship. People used to reinforce their relationship via the use of immediacy behaviors, nonverbal signals of affiliation and affection. For example, giving a hug from parents to their child for caring, crying on spouse’s shoulder as consolation, using warm vocal tones for encouraging, and standing or sitting close to each other. Thirdly, nonverbal communication forms an impression to people. People use to evaluate and expect someone’s personalities, education level, family background, culture, region, political affiliation, sexual orientation and economic status in term of his physical appearance, the way of dressing, vocal characteristic, gestures, use of artifacts, skin color, body shape, eyes movement and attractiveness. People are used to judge others in term of their first impression by nonverbal clues even though sometimes it might not be accurate. Furthermore, nonverbal communication can cause other persons get influenced by people. For example, a direct sales agent may dress nicely or get a luxurious car to attract his friends or relatives work under him as subordinate. In the same way, people may also use nonverbal immediacy behaviors to strengthen their proximity with others; subsequently, it can cause others easy to agree with them when they try to give any suggestion or feedback during meeting moment. Alternatively, nonverbal communication helps people hiding the truth of information. It’ll cause a deception when nonverbal and verbal communications are consistent to each other even though it’s fake. For those people good in concealing the truth, they can control their nervousness well and make it as normal response to listeners while they’re lying actually. They will not adopt rigid posture and use a normal vocal tune to enable other persons believes on their distortions. In a nutshell, Non-verbal communication is playing an important role not only for daily communication but also for the interpreter. Non-verbal communication is including various forms, such as vocal characteristic, hand signals, facial expression, and physical appearance, each of them might consists or replaces some part of the verbal communication. Sometimes, nonverbal communication can involve many more elements which beyond that people expectation. In the same way, nonverbal communication can be ambiguous; for instance, a simple hand gesture can has different meaning in different nations and cultures. When a speaker is in a working situation but audience didn’t pay attention to him and they might even be regard the speaker didn’t done a good job on his speech. To enable audience pay attention to him, he might need to make sense of nonverbal cues. It’s because a certain part of person’s brain deals with emotional part of message. It’s mean that not only intelligence is required to explain nonverbal elements but also emotional intelligence. As a conclusion, nonverbal communication is always vital to interpreters in their task.

Threat of Endangerment: The Mountain Gorilla :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The mountain gorilla was first discovered roaming the Virunga Volcanoes in Rwanda (von Beringe, 2002, p.9). German Captain Robert von Beringe and his African soldiers stumbled upon two mountain gorillas around the volcanic region on October 17, 1902 (von Beringe, 2002, p.9). Von Beringe captured and killed one of them and sent the body to the Zoological Museum in Berlin, Germany. Professor Paul Matschie, who worked with the museum, identified the gorilla as a new class and named it after its founder: Gorilla beringei beringei (von Beringe, 2002, p.10). Twenty-three years later, American naturalist Carl Akeley persuaded King Albert of Belgium to turn a Belgian trust territory, near Rwanda, into a national park for the conservation of mountain gorillas. The Albert National Park, later named the Virunga National Park, was the first park established in Africa (Ngowi, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Between 1960 and 1980, American zoologists studied mountain gorillas. George Schaller spent one year doing basic study on the animal. Dian Fossey devoted her life to extensively studying and protecting mountain gorillas. Fossey moved to Rwanda to be closer to the animals and set up the Karisoke Research Center in 1967 (Robbins et al., 2001). She directed the center for thirteen years, learning the habits and gaining the acceptance of the mountain gorillas (Robbins et al., 2001). In 1983, she wrote a book, Gorillas in the Mist, to promote public awareness of the troubles mountain gorillas face. Her memoir was later made into a movie. Her relationship with mountain gorillas and concern for their safety was unmatched. She created an organization to save gorillas in 1978 called the Digit Fund, named after a mountain gorilla Fossey was close to (Robbins et al., 2001). After her mysterious death in 1985, the organization switched its name to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International. Fossey contributed to much understanding of mountain gorillas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dian Fossey was so driven to protect mountain gorillas because they are an endangered species. Several threats have kept their population from thriving. One threat is disease, especially those which humans are equally as vulnerable to (Ferber, 2000). Tourists enjoy visiting the mountains of Rwanda to admire the gorillas and encourage their safety; however, humans help put mountain gorillas at risk. In 1999, a team of researchers with the Journal of Parasitology noted roundworm parasites in the feces of mountain gorillas (Ferber, 2000). These parasites normally have affected only humans through contaminated water. Early, in 1988, blood and tissue samples of several mountain gorillas indicated measles infection (Ferber, 2000).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Discussion of Bradleys The Principles of Logic :: Bradley Principles Logic Essays

Discussion of Bradley's The Principles of Logic If I make the claim, â€Å"A wolf is a mammal,† I do not assert anything about my idea of a wolf, but rather something general about this real class of beasts. For Bradley, to admit this is to admit that ideas are general terms that refer to an independent reality. But notice that if, faced with one of these actual canines, I then say â€Å"Here is a wolf†, each term of this singular judgment is itself general and cannot possibly hope to capture in its particularity and wealth of detail the animal in question. If ideas are always general, then how can they relate to the real that presents itself as a unique event with determinate sensible content? They could just as easily be describing any wolf and any â€Å"here† without an adequate fit or representation of sensory experience. These are Bradley’s concerns in The Principles of Logic (PL)1, and since his proposed solutions to these problems were intended as a refutation of Hume’s empiricist psycholo gy and Mill’s doctrine of inference, and since they shaped if not antedated many of Russell’s achievements in logical theory, they call for careful attention.2 I must note, however, that Bradley is particularly frustrating insofar as he eschews any sustained metaphysical investigations, claiming that metaphysics is a matter separate from his logical concerns. Just at the point that one would demand a more determinate account, he remarks that to really consider such questions would involve him in metaphysics, which is not his present objective. However, as I hope to show, his entire theory of judgment rests on a clearly metaphysical consideration of the nature of time and space and, in fact, commits him to rather bizarre claims about the nature and function of singular judgments and indexicals. The notion that objects of experience are themselves symbolic will allow Bradley to unite his metaphysic with his theory of intentionality and eventually fund those features of his account that are particularly relevant to our purposes: viz., his anti-psychologism, from which naturally follows his attack on the impoverished apophantic paradigm in logi c, his insistence on a distinction between logical and grammatical form, and his claim that all judgments, properly understood, are hypothetical judgments. I. Reference We must first gain an appreciation for how pervasive the notion of reference is in Bradley’s account. In this section I will first characterize the

Sunday, August 18, 2019

We need crime prevention, not the death penalty Essay -- essays resear

We Need Crime Prevention, Not the Death Penalty For most crimes committed in the United States a fine, sentence of time in jail or execution is the punishment. However, the death penalty is the most questionable punishment. Is it morally right? Is it effective in deterring crime, primarily murders? Weather or not you agree if it is moral or not, one issue remains. The death penalty is not an effective way to deter crime. The death penalty has existed as long as humans have existed. The quote "an eye for an eye" is found in the Bible. In the middle ages fines, public humiliation and imprisonment were appropriate punishments for all crimes, and death penalty for all murders. Today, Federal law states that the death penalty is to be enforced with convicted criminals for: treason; deserting armed forces during wartime; murder committed by a soldier; kidnapping and murder that involves crossing state lines; murder committed during an airplane hijacking; and of course, homicide. The death penalty is also called for punishment of for: attempting to kill anyone investigating or prosecuting his or her activities; advising, directing, authorizing or assisting in the murder of someone. Also, The Anti-Drug abuse act of 1988 calls for the death penalty for all drug related killings. Along with that, The bill amending sec. 848 to controlled substances act calls for the death penalty or life imprisonment for certain drug offences possession of 10 or more kg of heroin, cocaine, phencyclidine or analogue. Added to that, The drug kingpin act sates the use of death penalty for convicted major drug dealers caught with huge quantities of drugs, over 66 lbs. of heroin and 330 lbs. of cocaine. Even though there are these federal laws requiring the use of the death penalty for the crimes, State laws only consider one crime, murder, to be a capital offense. In the United States alone there have been 4047 executions since 1930, and 188 were from 1977-1996. In 1996, there were a total of 15,168,100 arrests; 33,050 for forcible rape; 1,506,200 involving drug violations and 19,020 for murder and non-negligent manslaughter. The death penalty was enforced 45 times. The death penalty is an expensive punishment, since 1976 the united states have spent 700 million dollars in it. Methods of the death pen... ...s no effect on the deteration of crimes. Statistics show that there is no relationship between the number of crimes committed in death penalty states and the number of crimes committed in non-death penalty states. While a majority of people believes the death penalty is a good punishment for crimes, they do not believe it helps get rid of and prevent crime. Other methods such as increased police officers and a decrease on the availability of handguns are 2 of many alternatives in prevention crimes. Enforcing a harsh punishment for committing a crime is not an effective way to prevent it from happening. Preventing crimes from happening is the most effective way to deter crime. Bibliography "Crimes, Politics and Race" Harvard Journal of law and Public Policy Winter 1997: pg. 405 "Death Penalty Information Center", 1997 (8 Feb. 1998) Nardo, Don Death Penalty San Diego: Lucent Books Inc, 1992 Wekesser, Carol The Death Penalty: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1991 World Almanac and Book of Facts 1998 Mahwah, NJ: world Almanac and Book of Facts, 1997 We need crime prevention, not the death penalty Essay -- essays resear We Need Crime Prevention, Not the Death Penalty For most crimes committed in the United States a fine, sentence of time in jail or execution is the punishment. However, the death penalty is the most questionable punishment. Is it morally right? Is it effective in deterring crime, primarily murders? Weather or not you agree if it is moral or not, one issue remains. The death penalty is not an effective way to deter crime. The death penalty has existed as long as humans have existed. The quote "an eye for an eye" is found in the Bible. In the middle ages fines, public humiliation and imprisonment were appropriate punishments for all crimes, and death penalty for all murders. Today, Federal law states that the death penalty is to be enforced with convicted criminals for: treason; deserting armed forces during wartime; murder committed by a soldier; kidnapping and murder that involves crossing state lines; murder committed during an airplane hijacking; and of course, homicide. The death penalty is also called for punishment of for: attempting to kill anyone investigating or prosecuting his or her activities; advising, directing, authorizing or assisting in the murder of someone. Also, The Anti-Drug abuse act of 1988 calls for the death penalty for all drug related killings. Along with that, The bill amending sec. 848 to controlled substances act calls for the death penalty or life imprisonment for certain drug offences possession of 10 or more kg of heroin, cocaine, phencyclidine or analogue. Added to that, The drug kingpin act sates the use of death penalty for convicted major drug dealers caught with huge quantities of drugs, over 66 lbs. of heroin and 330 lbs. of cocaine. Even though there are these federal laws requiring the use of the death penalty for the crimes, State laws only consider one crime, murder, to be a capital offense. In the United States alone there have been 4047 executions since 1930, and 188 were from 1977-1996. In 1996, there were a total of 15,168,100 arrests; 33,050 for forcible rape; 1,506,200 involving drug violations and 19,020 for murder and non-negligent manslaughter. The death penalty was enforced 45 times. The death penalty is an expensive punishment, since 1976 the united states have spent 700 million dollars in it. Methods of the death pen... ...s no effect on the deteration of crimes. Statistics show that there is no relationship between the number of crimes committed in death penalty states and the number of crimes committed in non-death penalty states. While a majority of people believes the death penalty is a good punishment for crimes, they do not believe it helps get rid of and prevent crime. Other methods such as increased police officers and a decrease on the availability of handguns are 2 of many alternatives in prevention crimes. Enforcing a harsh punishment for committing a crime is not an effective way to prevent it from happening. Preventing crimes from happening is the most effective way to deter crime. Bibliography "Crimes, Politics and Race" Harvard Journal of law and Public Policy Winter 1997: pg. 405 "Death Penalty Information Center", 1997 (8 Feb. 1998) Nardo, Don Death Penalty San Diego: Lucent Books Inc, 1992 Wekesser, Carol The Death Penalty: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1991 World Almanac and Book of Facts 1998 Mahwah, NJ: world Almanac and Book of Facts, 1997

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Heart and Stone Therapy

322 Apply stone therapy massage 322 Apply stone therapy massage By Lucy Barnett By Lucy Barnett Task 1a * The importance of carrying out a detailed body analysis & relevant tests is so that you can pick up on any posture faults, avoid any areas which may be contra indicated and you are able to give them information on ways to improve their posture. It is important to carry out relevant tests such as cold or hot and sharp and blunt so that you are sure the client can feel the difference.This also prevents you from harming your client if they can feel something within the treatment which feels painful. * The importance of positioning the client correctly so they are as comfortable as possible and you aren’t causing them any pain or injury. It is important to be positioned correctly as a therapist so you prevent yourself from pain or injury if you consistently and positioned correctly this can result in repetitive strain injury. It is important to use the correct products, tools, equipment and technique because so the client can feel the best benefit from their treatment and it will not harm the client. * It is important to complete treatment records correctly so that you have on record if the client has any contra-indications which may prevent or restrict a treatment. You will also have on record anything the client may be allergic to. * It is important to complete the treatment to the satisfaction of the client so they go away feeling happy and return to you again in the future. Task 1bHistorical and culture background of stone therapy: The stones originated from Native Americans but they did not use them in massage. Stone therapy has been around for a long time but has been modernised through the years and now we use naturally shaped basalt pebbles and marble pebbles that have been cut to shape to deliver hot and cold temperatures. Four types of stones: Basalt stones: Hot stone, made from volcanic rock used all over the body. Should be recharged once a m onth in either; a bowl of salt water, in direct sunlight/ moonlight or burying in the earth overnight.Marble stones: cold stone, made from limestone should be recharged by leaving in sunlight/moonlight or burying in the earth overnight Marine stones: cold stone, made from sedimentary rock should be recharged by leaving in sunlight/moonlight or burying in the earth overnight. Semi-precious stones: can be used hot or cold, gem stones, usually used for shakra placing. Should be recharged; with reiki energy, leaving in sunlight/moonlight and cleansing in a bowl with other crystals. Physical and physiological effects of hot and cold stones: Effects of hot stones 1 Vaso-dilation – the blood vessels widen, bringing blood to areas of the body ie skin * Increased circulation – more oxygenated blood circulating * Increased metabolism – speeds up the rate of nutrients being utilised * Increased pulse rate – helps the heart pump efficiently * Increased cell metabolis m – speeds up the process of manufacturing new cells * Increased lymph function – speeds up the removal of toxins and waste * Relaxes the muscles – enables the therapist to work on the muscles without causing discomfort to the client * Reduces muscle tension Relaxes the mind * Different emotions may cause some clients to feel upset. Effects of cold stones 1 * Vaso-constriction – the blood vessels narrow, taking blood away from areas of the body, ie skin * Analgesic effect – natural pain relief released in the body * Reduces inflammation – excess blood is taken away from the area * Reduces histamine – reduces this irritant often present in stressed muscles, causing the muscles to relax. * Body pumped to the core organs, ie heart, lungs * Relaxes the mind * Reduces headaches Task 1cOne Fungal infection that would prevent the treatment: Ringworm One Bacterial infection that would prevent the treatment: Impetigo One viral infection that w ould prevent the treatment: Shingles One severe skin condition: Severe eczema Ten contra-indications that would restrict the treatment: 1. Diabetes 2. Epilepsy 3. High/low blood pressure 4. Piercings 5. Anxiety 6. Cuts 7. Abrasions 8. Bruises 9. Metal plates or pins 10. Recent dermabrasion Bibliography Task 1a – core unit’s book Task 1b – lastone therapy book Task 1c – notes taken in class

Friday, August 16, 2019

Participation is the essence of democracy Discuss Essay

Discuss For many years and even centuries one of the main discussions that have been very dominant is the ‘right to vote.’ The right to vote is a phrase that has been in headlines for many centuries to give countries more of a democracy. The United States, Women across the world and many minorities had to fight and millions died in the process to fight for their right to vote. However, is voting the essence of democracy or is voting an overrated task? Is participation of the people needed to make a democracy? Democracy means the right to vote, it doesn’t mean that you have to vote, if no one votes then it’s a democracy because it shows that no one are interest on how the country is ran so the previous government that was voted by the people, will carry on making the decision. In the United Kingdom, if you are over the age of 18 and you do not have a criminal record, you are allowed to vote. If you are ill and you want someone else to vote on your behalf, that vote will be rejected. The term democracy does not have a specific definition but there are elements that create a democracy. A simple way to phrase democracy is a rule of the people or power to the people. â€Å"Government of the people, by the people, for the people† this is a famous quote that former President of the United States Abraham Lincoln defined democracy. There are four main types of democracies: Direct, Liberal, Representative and Pluralist. Direct Democracy is when policies are directly decided on by the vote of the people. The term direct democracy originated in Athens of the 40,000 free slaves in the 5th Century. The women and current slaves were excluded. Switzerland has adopted Participatory democracy which is a type of direct democracy. The citizens have more participation in referendums and are able to be more involved in politics. However, there are certain referendums and policies that are quite complex and many people will just vote without research or consideration on how it might affect them. Also, it is not a representative of the whole country if only a few people vote just because they understand the policy and the other high percentage don’t. This will discourage people to go and put in their vote. Representative Democracy- for this type of democracy to take place, people who are eligible to vote will vote for someone who is running to become a member of parliament (E.g. Member of Parliament) to represent their views in government. The United Kingdom is an example of a representative democracy because we have to vote on who we want to represent us in Parliament. Liberal Democracy incorporates free, fair and competitive elections with the importance of specific key rights and key responsibilities. In liberal democracies they extend the right to vote amongst citizens. This also means that the freedom of free speech is granted. Many Liberal democracies are incorporated with other democracies such as the UK is seen to be as a liberal democracy and a representative democracy. Pluralist Democracy promotes participation that allows free and fair competition in interest. In pluralist democracies there will be a very high range of competing interest such as economy and environment. Political participation is a process where citizens of a country get involved in political activities. Milbrath and Goel(1977) discovered that there are three types of political participants; the gladiators who are the small percentage of keen participants, the spectators who vote and may be interested in specific issues but may limit their participation and the ampathetic are those who do not particularly care and do not participate at all. They also claimed that most people voted sporadically. There are many types of participations such as; becoming a member of a political party, protests, petitions, boycotting, being an MP, debates and joining a pressure groups. Edmund Burke a famous Irish political philosopher argued that participation is the key. He used a metaphor saying said â€Å"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.† the government represent evils and the good men represent the citizens who are allowed to vote. To interpret what Burke was saying, is that if citizens leave their trust into the governments’ hand, then evil will prevail. What he is trying to promote is a fairer world but with the input of the people. Burke’s main influences in life were religion as both of his parents were strong believers. Burke wanted to widen out the political participation as he wanted to defend the independence of the House of Commons as he opposed the King George III attempts to regain some of the prerogatives that the monarchy had lost in the Glorious Revolution of 1689. (UK Political, General Election Turnout 1945-2010) As you can see from this graph, the turnout has dropped down significantly. The main reason is disenchantment. Many voters lose faith and trust in those who are in government. As you can analyse in 1950 it was the highest turnout. The Second World War finished 5 years before and the people wanted to be in a society where they were confortable and safe. Though there has been a few upwards growth for example in 1979 when the first female was running to be Prime Minister and Margarat Thatcher won the peoples vote. The biggest dip was between 1997 and 2007. The Electoral Voter Commission stated that the reason why the turnout was a lot of 18-24 year olds did not vote. However, when Tony Blair was in power, he was seen as ‘one of the best Prime Minister’ in history. Though people questioned the credibility of this election due to the amount votes and it was said that it didn’t represent the whole population, it was still a democracy because a democracy is the right to vote. You do not need to vote because it is your choice. We can see that from 2001 to 2010 there has been an upward trend in the amount of votes. The main reason for this is because of the Iraq war and a large amount of the population had an opinion on it. Also in 2010 it was the middle of the world recession, people were getting into financial troubles and wanted a change of government to help them through the recession, and this is why the Conservatives got in. The Conservatives were telling the public what they wanted to hear and by the participants of them, they were able to be in office. Participation was definitely important for democracy to take place. In Zimbabwe, the right to vote is important but the right to vote is not an option. In Zimbabwe, many people are killed and many fight for survival. Mugabe has been in power for 32 years as President and Prime Minister. For many years, Zimbabweans are risking their lives to get a better life in South Africa because many people died due to the ruling of Mugabe. Democracy is definitely not practised in the country and the citizens do not vote for what they believe in and participation is not a virtue. Psephology has said voters vote to achieve their goals, however, it is not a choice in Zimbabwe. Britain is a great example of a democracy. If Britain was not a democracy then it may become a dictatorship and lead by the monarchy. Protests, freedom of speech and petitions are the essence of democracy. If no one voted, if only one voted or if no one had an interest then it would still be against the law to be a homophobic, if no one gave an interest then the government wouldn’t fight to bring soldiers back home because it what the people what. 40:30:30 Society. This is a term that Hutton described our means that 40% are in secure work, 30% are in insecure work and 30% are in economic crisis and socially marginalised, jobless or working on poverty wages. If 60% are economically insecure and they are not getting better, there is no point to vote because getting out of the red and into the black is the highest priority on the peoples mind. If there is no change then, it can be seen as a wait vote. Party participation is the absolute importance for a democracy to be in affect because many people have voted for changes that if they didn’t do, could have affected their life and even their family’s life in a bad way. There are many theories that has been studied over the past 60 years to suggest why people vote; party identification (the process of picking the party due to socialisation), sociologist theory (Pulzer’s report in 1967 shows that one votes due to social class and peoples characteristics. The middle class votes Conservatives and working class votes Labour), another is the rational choice theory (Himmelweit at al 1981 said that citizens vote due to the performance of the previous administration and how it’ll effect their or their families goals, the last and final theory is the Dominant Ideology Theory (Dunleavy and Husbands 1985 argues that people vote due to the mass media and the misrepresentation). These theories suggest that we as the people have created competition, security and democracy. The UK leads by example because if people do not participate as citizens of a country, the citizens would be more of a dictatorship. John Prescott wanted devolution for the South East; however they voted against it by a milestone. This is the essence for democracy. In my opinion I believe that if someone doesn’t want to vote or participate because of the lack of trust or because of financial issues then they shouldn’t, why should someone vote for a party or become a member of a party if they are not fulfilling their promises? However, I do believe that if a high proportion of the population do not vote then democracy will not take place because it is not a representative of the whole country.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Would fall under.

This lowering of production costs stems from a procurement strategy called Low-cost country sourcing (LAICS). I The abundance of cheap labor in Thailand gives the country and its businesses an edge, as they are now able to produce their products at a much lower cost and thus be able to gain a comparative advantage against their rivals from other countries like the US. With regards to exporting to Thailand , as the economy is still in its stages of infancy and the people Just beginning to open up to leisure sports such as RollerBalding , Blades may be able to gain the first-mover advantage by venturing In to Thailand at this point In time. In addition, the good relations and ties that Blades may build with some of their Thai suppliers, could help to ease their efforts in to breaking into the Thai market and exporting to Thailand Furthermore with the rising affluence amongst the people in Thailand, it is likely that more individuals would turn to leisure sports such as, roller balding, during their free time.Coupled with youths in Thailand becoming increasingly â€Å"Americanizes†. This trend therefore, poses as an excellent opportunity for Blades to boost sales In Thailand to off-set the falling demand being experienced In the US. Finally, by exporting to Thailand, Blades Is able to diversify their sales and operations overseas. This way, should their business take off in Thailand, the profits from their foreign subsidiary would be able to offset the falling demand for their products in the US to ensure the company's sustainability and also investor confidence.Question 2: In the short run, one of the disadvantages would be facing sales that may fall short of expectations due to the ongoing political conflict In Thailand. This potential fall In sales is a result of country risk. The protests and riots as a result of the political instability in the country could deter Blade's target audience from purchasing their products due to them preferring to stay saf e at home than subject themselves to unnecessary harm whilst shopping. Another disadvantage, would be the exchange rate risk which would come about with the currency fluctuation of the Thai Baht.Blades would be more affected by an appreciation of the Tall baht rather than a appreciation. This Is as when the Thai baht appreciates, the raw materials and production costs would become relatively more expensive as one US dollar is now worth less in Thai Baht. This would then drive up their overall cost of production and without any change in demand or sales, result in lower profits. In the long run, Blades should be aware of the international economic conditions as a recession could be disadvantages to the company. With a recession, sales would be affected as blades would fall under.Another disadvantage in the long run would be the isolations that could be implemented by the governing body after Blades have successfully established their subsidiary. Examples would be changes in the regul ations for Multi-National Corporations (Mans) like Blades in the country and increase in taxes. All these changes would equate to inconvenience for the company and possibly an increase in their operations cost in the case of an increase in taxes. All these disadvantages should be carefully thought through by Ben Holt and his team as they could impact the commercial viability of setting up a subsidiary in Thailand.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

How might a Jacobean audience see certain events in MACBETH differently to a modern one? Essay

Four hundred years ago in the time of the Jacobeans, beliefs then were very different from what they are today and this had impacts on the way Jacobean audiences interpreted certain events in Shakespeare’s plays. This essay sets out how some events might be interpreted differently in Macbeth. Bad things that happened to people were blamed on the supernatural like curses, witches and ghosts e.t.c. First of all was the whole idea of witches. For everything bad that happened to people, witches were blamed for them. Witches were seen as real people who had magical powers and could do almost anything. In Macbeth the witches appear at the very start of the play and accompanying them was thunder and lightning. The Jacobeans see that type of weather to be a bad omen and meant forces of evil or bad things were coming, whereas nice weather meant good things were going on. Today we see bad weather as being caused by scientific reasons; to do with air pressure for example. It has nothing to do with any events happening in the world. In Act 1 scene 2, the witches go on to create a massive thunderstorm. A Jacobean audience would believe this really happened because they thought witches did actually have the power to do that. Nowadays, a modern audience would see that as simply just made up, because we don’t believe in witches anymore. Adverse weather conditions are caused by natural phenomena not by supernatural evil witches. When Macbeth sees the witches for the first time they say â€Å"Hail Macbeth hail to thee Thane of Glamis,† â€Å"Thane of Cawdor† then â€Å"King hereafter†. The witches are saying he definitely will have those titles, not just might be. A Jacobean audience would see this as the witches predicted the future because people back then believed that they could do that. Today we do not believe in witches and again; it would be seen by a modern audience as the witches guessing what would happen. Next is the Thane of Cawdor’s execution. No-one has been executed in Britain for many years; the death penalty has effectively been abolished. But in Jacobean times, it was regarded as the natural thing to do. Therefore a modern audience would see this execution as very serious and would feel he would not deserve that punishment as much as we did 400 years ago. A Jacobean audience would see that he does need to be executed because betraying the king’s (monarch’s) army was considered a very serious crime because it would be a crime against God as well; as the monarchy was considered to be run directly by God. When Lady Macbeth calls on evil spirits to make her powerful and string-minded to carry out the murder of Duncan she says, â€Å"Unsex me here,† and, â€Å"Make thick my blood.† She actually wants to be changed into a man (on the inside) from a woman and be praying out to spirits somewhere she can do this. A Jacobean audience would believe that this is really happening because they believed in sprits; good or bad, and that if you call for them, they can do what you want. A modern audience however would see this as Lady Macbeth thinking that she has lots of power when really she can’t and she’s got too much energy and feels really powerful when really nothing will happen like that. I.e. she has a big lust for power. Today we don’t believe in spirits and that they never exist. We now would think that she’s just feeling lots of power and wants to get it very badly. But just before Macbeth goes to commit the murder of Duncan, he imagines a dagger leading him to Duncan’s room. He says, â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?† He’s seeing this dagger actually taking him to Duncan’s room meaning the dagger should be used to kill him. Macbeth is really convinced and believes it’s there. Because of that, a Jacobean audience would think the witches have put it there in his head because they told the future earlier on in the play, that Macbeth will become king, and he would have needed to kill Duncan to do it. A modern audience on the other hand would think he’s having a hallucination and he’s just simply imagining it; probably explained by the stress of being about to kill the King. Jacobean’s might not have thought that because they didn’t appreciate people can imagine things deliberately or because of stress or mental illness. They would not understand those things. In addition, Macbeth sees a vision of Banquo’s ghost at a banquet. He says to the other guests, â€Å"Which of you have done this?† Again, like the dagger only he can see it and he believes it really was there. A Jacobean audience would have believed in ghosts and life after death. Macbeth had just unlawfully killed Banquo so a Jacobean audience would see that it would make sense for his ghost to haunt him and only him and appear real. But, a modern audience would see this as Macbeth being so stressed by the murder of Banquo and Duncan that one of his victims comes back to haunt him in his mind. The fact that only Macbeth can see it proves that it’s probably his stress. Jacobean’s believed in the â€Å"Divine right of Kings† meaning that the king’s reign is so because it is what God wanted; it’s God’s will for him/her to be king. Therefore if you kill the monarch (called regicide), it was the worst possible crime anybody could commit at the time. If you did it, you were committing a sin against God and the audience would be so shocked they would be petrified. So when Macbeth murders Duncan, the audience would be petrified with disbelief that that just happened. Today, we believe that kings and queens reign because we allow him/her to reign over us and it’s nothing to do with God. So a modern audience would see the murder of Duncan as just a very serious murder, not a crime against God. This is also because we believe much less in religion now than we did 400 years ago. Plus, the monarch today does not have it much power as it did back then; since the English civil war, laws are passed by parliament, the king or queen virtually has no power and can be abolished by parliament at any time. When Macbeth sees the witches for the final time to show him the apparitions, again in thunder and rain, they cast a spell in rhymes in order to do that. For example one says, â€Å"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes†. Jacobeans would see this as the witches truly casting a spell but today we this as just a poem. Also, the apparitions that the witches come up with would have been seen to have really done that by a Jacobean audience, because again, they thought witches had unlimited magical powers and could do almost anything, including bringing out naked out of a bubbling pot children or futuristic visions out of their cauldron. A modern audience would see this as Macbeth being drugged by the witches and that potion made him go on to see those apparitions, perhaps in some sort of trans or dream. We don’t believe in witches having the magical power to do that themselves. The final thing whose perception has changed is Lady Macbeth sleepwalking. In Jacobean times, people did not understand that anyone can sleepwalk for whatever reason and thought anyone who did was mad meaning they thought Lady Macbeth was mad and stressed because of what her husband had just been doing. Today however, we think that anyone can sleepwalk and hence Lady Macbeth could have been feeling fine and she was doing a totally random thing. We no longer link sleepwalking with madness. So to conclude, in Jacobean times 400 years ago, people were less knowledgeable about science, weather and how the mind worked. This combined with poor education for most people then, meant that the Jacobeans had to make up phenomenon like witches and ghosts to explain why bad things happen or things go wrong. Nowadays, more people live in urban areas and are well-educated and less religious. Kings and queens have mostly been replaced by fully elected party leaders and the monarch is now just a person and far less important in decision making and politics. Doctors and psychology mean we can understand people’s emotions better and events such as bad weather are now explained by science.